Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Inappropriate Relationships

Carroll Bryant claims to not have had a relationship with Jude Henderson outside friendship. Yet his twitter accounts are filled with references to Jude and Carroll Bryant has comments regarding her scattered throughout his blog. He still claims to have never been romantically involved with Jude.

I wanted to display a few particular screen caps that might suggest otherwise.

Personal Opinion:
Why would someone write such things if they were never in a relationship with someone? It sounds as if it ended rather badly.


Doc Dropping is Not Cool, Part 2

I ran into another piece of information I wanted to share while researching another article. I’ve read other comments that Carroll Bryant has made in various places that he doesn't doc drop or that he believes it’s wrong. As I stumble on these comments I will post them as references in this article. There is a lot of information to sift through.

This comment he made on his personal blog appears to display otherwise though.

Update: Positive Proof

I will state, at the time of writing, I have not found any posts of Carroll Bryant actually releasing personal information.

https://twitter.com/CarrollBryant  : Tweeted on May 28th, 2012

Doc Dropping is Not Cool

I continually see proponents of STGRB asking for proof that the website (StopTheGRBullies) did indeed doc drop personal information on their website. While I was researching another story I came across some rather circumstantial evidence that appears pretty damning.

I want to state that these screen caps exist in other places on the internet. I merely stumbled across them. I did not take them. I can not claim validity of them.  I say this because STGRB’s original website was removed after a DMCA take down notice according to Ann Somerville in a comment she has made on GenX’s blog and elsewhere. Somerville’s own explanation can be read at the LogoPhilos.net link in the references.

I can find no reason to say that these screen caps are fake though. The writing style in these caps is consistent with the same style used on StopTheGRBullies’ website.  I also examined the pictures closely for editing artifacts. The pictures do contain the typical censoring bar edited in, presumably from the source (the first reference site),  after the fact. But otherwise I see no evidence of digital tampering. You can easily find numerous crash courses on the internet if you would like to verify this yourself. I would recommend using an open source tool called Gimp. It’s free and will serve the purpose perfectly.

It's claimed that this screen cap originally appeared on an author's blog by the name of Melissa Douthit and was later removed. Melissa Douthit is currently suspected to be the owner/operate of the STGRB website.


Monday, February 25, 2013

ISP Confusion

Here is another screen cap of Carroll Bryant claiming he has proof of Amanda Welling being GenX by comparing ISPs. He mentioned an email, probably the same PayPal receipt email I mentioned in my last post. That email can also be found at GenExpose.Com under the article Somnambulation. I’m assuming that he meant that he compared the header files from that email. I say this because this is the only place in an email that would contain ISP information.

Here’s the issue. Comparing ISPs from a header file means absolutely nothing. An ISP is an Internet Service Provider. There are only so many in the US. In fact, in most markets there are very few. An ISP would be a company like Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner, and Road Runner to name a few. This is the company that provides you with your internet connection. Obviously it would be very difficult to say that just because two people use Comcast as an ISP that they are the same person. Myself and millions of other Americans use Comcast to provide an internet connection.

A more accurate way of proving that two people are one in the same is by comparing IP addresses. Think of an IP address as a personal home address for your internet connection. An IP address is specific to one computer, or in case of the typical consumer, one gateway or your cable or DSL modem. There are still issues with this though. Most ISP providers typically use dynamic IP addresses. Otherwise meaning, they get recycled between other customers. Explaining this more in depth goes beyond the scope of this article though.

Now email address headers do contain IP information although it’s not easy to read. I linked an article for reference below that can explain it better. The header is capable, although not always, able to contain the IP address of every computer, and server, that the email had to bounce through to reach its destination. Think of the header as a passport that gets stamped every time it comes off the plane.

With that said, if Carroll Bryant did indeed mean to say IP instead of ISP then go ahead and post the email headers. It’s definitive proof. Seeing how the letters ‘I’, ‘S’, and ‘P’ are so far apart on the keyboard though I doubt it was a typo.



Grasping At Straws

I ask that you stay with me for a moment because I’m still trying to wrap my head around this one. Carroll Bryant claims to have definitive proof that Amanda Welling is GenX. He claims this apparently because Amanda Welling’s old blog, “Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!”, was removed, and GenX also makes a comment in a recent post about backing up their blog often.

Carroll Bryant’s comment. To be fair, you may want to read his entire article. As I said, it’s a confusing mess that is grasping at straws at best.

Here is the specific piece of GenX’s article that makes a comment about backing up their blog. Again, I would recommend skimming through the article to decide the context of the comment yourself.

I also found this. Here is “Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!” It is obviously still online. It has not moved from its domain. In fact, it’s a Blogger blog which implies it can’t be moved so easily. Pay attention to the time stamp on the posts though. That is the latest activity on the blog. Click through the reference link to verify it yourself.


IP Woes Continue

Carroll Bryant claims to be tracking IP addresses in a recent blog post comment.

I want to bring this up to put reader's fears to rest that he is logging and tracking personal information such as IP addresses. I mentioned in another blog post that this could not be done with Google products (Blogger, Analytics, etc...) A few quick Google searches will verify this information.

Be warned, the rest of this post is long. I will be posting a screen cap and his page source. The reference link will be posted before the screen cap.

You can verify the validity of the page source information yourself by viewing the HTML of his blog from your browser. I also used a page break. All relevant information is in view. If you wish to view the page source HTML code please click the 'Read more' button.

I explain more regarding IP tracking and Google Products here:

Personal Opinion:
Why do I post his page source? It would be a fair assumption that if he wanted to log IP addresses he would be doing it for all of his blogs. He removed the other blogs being referenced in his comment though so I am posting the page source for his 'Looking Glass of Carroll Bryant' blog.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

What's in an IP address?

What's the point of this post? I want to provide further evidence that Carroll Bryant is a pathological liar.

Carroll Bryant claims he can track IP addresses as per this comment.

Yet his blogs are hosted via free vendors like Blogger as you can see by the sub-domains.

List of Blogs:

Google's TOS (terms of service) will not allow any IP tracking. This includes Google Analytics.
Google Privacy Centre

What’s In a biopic?

Carroll Bryant has been accused of using a model’s picture as his biopic in various places. This issue has been exhausted relentlessly. Feel free to search through the blogosphere for more information and others opinions regarding this topic.

I do however take a certain issue with a comment Bryant has made on his blog regarding this issue, specifically the remark about this being a joke.

In turn, I would like to present this evidence I found and let you draw any further conclusions from there.

As you can see, the timestamp on those comments dates back to 2010.
