Thursday, March 7, 2013

I Thought Carroll Bryant Was Not Against Bad Reviews?

Carroll Bryant has stated that he is not against bad reviews.

But what happens when a reader does purchase one of his books and does honestly give it a bad review?

Carroll Bryant goes into overdrive and deflects as much as possible.

He attempts his deflection so much that the reviewer has to respond.

So what happens when Carroll Bryant receives a legitimately bad review?

Personal Opinion: I've read a lot of people say they won't read Carroll Bryant's books I've seen a lot of comments about GoodReads members shelving his book in a "do not read" list. Yet Carrol Bryant screams and hollers that these are bullying behaviors.

I have to wonder if Bryant has ever not purchased a product because he heard the bad press about that product. That's what people typically do. They hear something bad about a product from a friend and refuse to buy it. Or they hear about shady business practices on the news and refuse to purchase a product.

That's what happened here. We all heard some shady things going on and we refused to buy his product. Now he screams that we are all bullies for not buying his product. Why would I buy a product from a person that acts like he does and treats people like he does?

Now Jessica Sorenson, that is an upright independent author I have heard nothing but good things about.


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